Friday, January 14, 2011

Write about a song that had impacted you: Fireworks by Katy Perry

Fireworks by Katy Perry is one song that has big impact on me. I heard it on the radio but didn't quite comprehend it at first. I also didn't bother to find out the lyrics as I was really not expecting much from Katy Perry because she was known to compose songs with no absolute meaning. Then later on, I chanced upon a mini documentary about the making of this song. I then knew that Katy went all way out to the outskirts of USA to record some of the hidden talents like a 14 year old boy who knows how to compose songs and a 10 year old violin player.
These people have talent but just not given a chance to showcase what they can do. They are nobody to us.

In the lyrics, she wrote :

"Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
Drifting throught the wind
Wanting to start again

Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards
One blow from caving in"

The song reflects what we all face in real life. Others measure us by how well we do in school and how much we earn. We struggle just to meet what others expect of us. It is just like a house of cards, running the risk of caving in at any moment. If I can choose, I would like to be just an ordinary plastic bag in the sky. I may not be the best, but at least I feel free to just float in the sky and nothing to worry about.

The song also gives me the motivation to stay firm and never give up. Whenever I feel like giving up, I will remember the lyrics that go :

"Do you know that there's still a chance for you
Cause there's a spark in you

You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July"

Just like what the song says, we are all talents, we are good at somethings and not so good at others. We just need to believe in ourselves and never let anything get in our way of pursuing your goals and dreams in life.

Just like you, I do have doubts about things that I want to do. I fear that I will not do them well. But just like what the song says, I will work hard no matter what the result will be.

"You don't have to feel like a waste of space
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow"

This is another reality. When we fail, we think we are useless and I also think that way myself. But I think differently now. I keep reminding myself that "after a hurricane comes a rainbow".

This is one song that has long lasting impact on me. Hope you find yours too. A song that can push you on and keep you going when times are bad, just like what Fireworks did to me. Thank you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Alastair, I had the same opinion as you about Katy Perry's music before reading your blog post and explanation on the details of the song. Now I realise how much Fireworks meant. This song effectively conveys real-life problems, our trials, motivations and successes in a catchy song. This song is extremely motivational, a perfect encouragement when we fail at something, be it a project, a test or relationship. Thanks for the new insight about this song I never knew before.

    Xavier Neo (2A117)

  3. Alastair, I have t really listened to Katy Perry's songs before but your blogpost prompted me to do so. After listening to Fireworks, I realised that the song was actually a meaningful piece on "[believing] in ourselves and never let anything get in our way of pursuing [our] goals and dreams in life" It is true that when we can t do something that others can, we feel discouraged and demoralised. However, after listening to this song, I realised that there are also things that I am better at than others. This song has truly motivated me and I would recommened it to anyone who needs a little motivation or encouragement every w and then. Thanks for enlightening me!

    -Benedict Lee(2A111)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Alastair, I strongly agree with your point that anybody can unleash their talents and set themselves free from the bind of their low self-esteem. One of the things that restrict people to stand up for themselves is their confidence. Low confidence is a widespread aspect of everyone’s life. Perhaps, many students face this problem as they are too afraid to speak for themselves, filled with trepidation at the thought of being laughed at. Something that we should remember is that Firework preaches the message of singularity. If you take a look at the music video, it portrays the ideas of prejudice against homosexuality and obesity, concepts that are taboo to the general public. Therefore, I would say that the song also conveys the message of being able to stand up for one’s perspective, not allowing others to influence our thoughts.
    - Lim Zheng Sen, Joel (15) 2A1

  6. I do strongly agree that this song is indeed quite impactful. Katy Perry has brought us back to reality. One of the lines of the song has inspired me, "There's a spark in you, you just gotta ignite the light and live, and shine". I feel that each one of us does have a hidden potential waiting to be unleashed. We just have to strive hard to make the best out of it and shine for others to learn. Another line that is inspiring is, "After the hurricane, comes the rainbow". When we meet up with failures, we have to continue and never give up, for every cloud has a silver lining and after every storm there will be a rainbow. So this is our source of encouragement that no matter how hard we fall, how many times we fail, as long as we do not give up, we will surely taste the sweetness of success.
