Saturday, July 2, 2011

Should weekly day off for maids be legislated?

I strongly believe that maids are no different from anyone of us. Just like you and I, they need a day to relax and to explore the world outside for a change.

Although I am a strong advocate of human rights, I do not think that weekly days off should be legislated for all maid across the board.

The fact of the matter is if something happens to the maid, the employer is held responsible. For example, if the maid becomes pregnant, the employer would lose the security bond of $5,000. If the maid meets with an accident and is hospitalized, the employer has to pay for her medical expenses. And worse, if a maid absconds and cannot be found, the employer would lose half of their security deposit. Thus, if we allow maids to have day off, we must be sure they can be trusted to act responsibly. The maid must win the trust of her employer and this will take time.

We should try to balance the needs of the employer and the maid in this issue. The maids want day off to make friends. As it is, they are always hanging out with other maids at noon time and in the evening when they bring the kids down to the play ground, I do not think they are deprived of social needs.

The weekly day off is meant for they to rest and relax but we have heard of maids doing part-time work on their day off or employers who complained that their maids always come back from the outings more tired and listless. Also, what the employer dread the most is for the maid to make boyfriends on her off day and then create a string of other problems. But such problems have happened.

My stand is if the maid is new, it would be better for the maid to stay home. The compulsory day off once a week can be enforced for maids whose contracts are renewed. If the maid is good enough for the employer to extend her contract, it is time for her employer to grant her the day off that she deserves.

Having said that, some families with small children, elderly or disabled people have real needs for the maids to be around most of the time, for such cases, the law should allow the employers to buy the day off.

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